Thursday, October 11, 2007

Unknown answers to my questions.

Sometimes, people say that the believe that they were put on earth for a reason. To do what every it is that they do. Writer say that they are on earth to bring their words to the public. Artists say that they are on earth to fill the world with a different take on life with their art. Voluntary workers say that they are here to save and help those less fortunate than themselves. The list goes on and on.

Well, I don't feel like that. I am a writer and a photographer, and I feel nothing. I have no idea why I exsist in this life. On this earth. What my purpose is - I just don't know. It got me wondering, why am I here? Everyone else seems to know except me. It annoys me. I know that I want to carrying on writing and taking my beloved camera everywhere but that doesn't mean that that was what I was suppose to do. God didn't give me a misson; 'you must fill the world with your words Veronica and write at every possible opportunity.' I just do it because I like it and enjoy it.

I've come to realise that you can't keep on questioning life. Its impossible. You'll just go around in circles asking the same questions again and again to the sky. You don't alway get answers in life. You have to accept the unknown and move on. I've wasted too much time in my life asking questions and getting stupidly fustrated when there is no reply. It wont bother me anymore. I'll make sure of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You're on my blogroll now. Beautiful layout. To comment on your post:

It does become depressing if you begin to question the purpose of your own existence. I've decided that the purpose of my existence is whatever I make it, and right now that would be writing.