Tuesday, January 8, 2008

And my New Years Resolution is....?!

We all make them. We all break them. It's the pattern of life. Occasionally, one or two of us will get lucky and manage to not eat fast food for 365 days. A person might finally get the will power to quit smoking. But the big ones that everyone makes - I will not lie, I will not doubt - those no one can keep. It's asking yourself to defy human nature. It's simply not possible.

I don't mean to sound like a cynic, but every year I make a New Years Resolution that I know I'll break. The biggest is generally "I will start consistently doing my homework all the time." Unfortunately, I never am able to keep that one...

But this year, I'm going to try and defy the odds. I'm going to make a New Years Resolution to myself to keep my relatively realistic New Years Resolutions. The homework one is not included.

I'm not going to tell you what my resolutions are, however. A friend told me tonight, as I was trying to get him to write out his list of resolutions, that if you write it out, it's not a resolution. That if you tell other people, it's not a resolution. A resolution, he said, is something you decide for yourself. You don't need to write it down to remember it, and you don't need to tell other people to have them badger or make fun of you. You just resolve yourself and you do it. No questions asked, no doubts, and no post-its necessary.

I like that philosophy. The idea that not documenting a resolution could be the very factor that could make you keep it. That way it's not just a stereotypical ideal you won't follow through with. It's something you do because you want to do it for yourself. Not just because the New Year came around.

Well, cheers to you all. It looks like it's going to be yet another wild year...


Arti Honrao said...

I agree with your friend :)
I have my own resolutions too but whenever someone asks me I tell them that I do not have any ...
It is for me to make resolutions and follow them!

Happy New Year

Impressionist said...

i stopped makin resolutoions! :p
cuz i realized that i never keep up any of them! :D
nice blog
